AD Hub Pricing

Capacity  I  Transmission  I  Historical Spot REC Prices  I  Historical LMP Prices

AD Hub is a trading and load zone in PJM. This graph compares prices per MWh versus prices per MMbtu at Henry Hub.

Prompt-Calendar-Year Pricing AD Hub vs Henry Hub

Source: AEP Energy internal estimates. Graph is for illustrative purposes only. AD Hub priced in Eastern Standard Zone.

The chart below demonstrates the monthly variance the AEP-Dayton Hub experienced with its Day-Ahead Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) from 2018 to 2024.

AD Hub Day Ahead Monthly Average Locational Marginal Pricing 2018-2023

Source: PJM,

This chart shows the monthly volatility the AEP-Dayton Hub experienced with its forward, 12-month prompt electric contract prices from 2020 to 2024.

AD Hub Prompt Calendar Year Price Volatility (2020-2024)

Source: AEP Energy internal estimates. Graph is for illustrative purposes only. AD Hub priced in Eastern Standard Zone

AEP Energy is a competitive retail electric service provider generation supplier and a competitive retail natural gas service provider supplier and an affiliate of Ohio Power Company (AEP Ohio). AEP Energy is not soliciting on behalf of, endorsed by, acting on behalf of, and is not an agent of AEP Ohio, your electric or gas distribution company, any governmental body, or consumer group. AEP Energy does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, suitability, completeness, freedom from error, or value of any information herein. The information presented is provided “as is”, “as available”, and for informational purposes only, speaks only to events or circumstances on or before the date it is presented, and should not be construed as advice, a recommendation, or a guarantee of future results. AEP Energy disclaims any and all liabilities and warranties related hereto, including any obligation to update or correct the information herein.
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