Warm Up With Natural Gas

If you live in a deregulated state, just like with electricity, you have the power to choose your natural gas supplier. And now, when you need it most, is an excellent time to choose a supplier you trust! In addition to choosing a price plan that is right for you, there are many benefits of natural gas, from savings to energy efficiency, and even reducing your carbon footprint.

Choosing a supplier

Comparing natural gas supply price plans is easy. Not only do individual suppliers have websites, but Public Utility Commission sites like Energy Choice Ohio and PA Powerswitch allow you to research rates and give you the power to select the supplier who offers the best price plan for your home.

If you select a natural gas supplier like AEP Energy, you will have a seamless transition with no interruption in your natural gas service. The utility will continue to provide service to your home including delivery of your natural gas as well as continuing to send your monthly statement. They’ll also continue to maintain flow and handle outages and leaks. The only difference will be the new rate, which will be listed as a line item on your bill.

Benefits of natural gas

If you happen to live in a home fueled by natural gas, there are many benefits to enjoy. First of all, using natural gas can have a positive impact on the environment because it can be derived from renewable resources which promotes the reduction of smog, acid rain and greenhouse gas emissions. Second, homes which use natural gas can cut carbon emissions in half because of the efficiency of the appliances it fuels. Finally, it’s also easily accessible for most residential areas and has many common uses, including heating homes, water and clothes dryers, and is an efficient way to cook.

What can I do?

It’s always a good time to lock in a fixed price plan for natural gas and receive the peace of mind that your rate will remain secure. AEP Energy offers a variety of natural gas and electric price plans with different rates and terms. Find all available offers in your area here.

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