Understanding the Impact of Being Energy Efficient

Energy efficiency uses technology to reduce the amount of energy needed for many things such as lighting, heating and cooling. Reduced energy use, in return, lowers the cost of energy bills and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollution and waste.

Why it is important to be energy efficient

Controlling your energy spend through energy efficient measures is not only good for your wallet, but for the planet as well. It can help reduce air pollution and can also relieve stress on the power grid.

Ways to become energy efficient

Start small by turning electronics off when not in use, controlling the climate in your home, and assessing your usage to find the “energy vampires” that consume electricity even when idle.

Also, consider utilizing energy efficient appliances and home products. Energy Star, a program managed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, certifies appliances and products which are guaranteed to be energy efficient.

Impact of energy efficient products

AEP Energy is proud to offer customers a variety of energy efficient, connected home products in Reward Store . Explore the benefits of many of these products:

  • Smart Thermostats – controlled by smart phones and tablets, these devices can be programmed to lower or raise temperatures when you are asleep at night or away, then return your home to the preferred temperature when you are there, maximizing comfort and efficiency by not wasting energy when your home is empty. Smart thermostats can save up to $50 annually on your energy bill.
  • LED Lightbulbs – LED bulbs use five times less energy and last up to 15 times longerthan traditional incandescents. By upgrading just five of your most-used bulbs, you can save up to $75 per year.
  • Advanced Power Strips – Many home electronics continue to draw power even when turned off. This is known as “vampire load” and costs the average U.S. household about $200 in yearly energy costs. Save energy and money by connecting these devices to advanced power strips.
  • Water Saving Devices – Heating water takes energy. Cutting down on unnecessary hot water use can lower both your energy and water costs. Invest in water-saving products like showerheads and faucet aerators to noticeably impact your bills.

A great way to understand your carbon footprint is checking out the EPA’s Greenhouse Gases Equivalencies Calculator. Simply input your data and see where you can make improvements.

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