The Plastic Predicament

In today’s world, plastic is an inescapable part of our daily lives. From the packaging that wraps our food to the bags we carry our groceries in, plastic is everywhere. While it is convenient, the dark side to plastic use is pollution, which is a growing environmental crisis. Most of the plastic we use ends up in landfills or somewhere in the environment like the ocean, rivers, lakes, shorelines, soil and can even enter the human body through inhalation and absorption.

The month of July is dedicated to raising awareness about the impacts of plastic and finding ways and solutions to reduce our plastic footprint. Over three million tons of plastic bags, sacks and wraps were landfilled in 2023. Plastic ends up as deadly waste in landfills and the ocean. Animals often mistake plastic for food filling their stomachs with toxins or getting stuck around their necks, fins, and other parts of their bodies. Small pieces of plastic are also consumed by humans through food and in the air. It is estimated that over five hundred billion plastic bags are used a year which takes many years to decompose. We have listed ways you can contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet below with plastic alternatives.


  • Reusable grocery or paper bags
  • Silicone sandwich bags
  • Metal lunch boxes or reusable lunch bags
  • Reusable produce bags


  • Eco friendly reusable bottles
  • Silicone, metal, paper or bamboo straw
  • Travel mug which you can bring to cafes
  • Stainless steel or glass baby bottle

Plastic wrap

  • Reusable beeswax wraps
  • Glass or metal containers
  • Silicone containers



  • Bar soap and shampoo bar
  • Bamboo toothbrush or toothbrush with replaceable head
  • Washable diapers, sanitary products and mask


  • Try to avoid prepackaged meat
  • Bring reusable containers when getting baked goods
  • Unpackage or loose produce
  • Shopping at environmentally friendly stores

By making minor changes in our daily habits and choosing sustainable alternatives, we can reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills and waterways. This helps protect our environment but also promotes a healthier planet for future generations to come. We should do our part in changing the world for the better, not just in July, but all year long. Learn more about how you can make an impact and do good for the planet here.

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