
Energize with AEP Energy

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Brush Up On Electrical Safety


May is National Electrical Safety Month. As spring comes to full bloom, it is a chance to focus on fire and electrical safety tips. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), an estimated 47,000 fires in the home are ignited due to some sort of electrical failure …

What is the difference between AEP Energy and AEP Ohio?


Here at AEP Energy, we frequently visit communities throughout Ohio to explain electric choice and the savings benefits associated with it. Through these visits, particularly those areas that are served by the local utility, AEP Ohio, we have learned that many residents don’t always understand the difference between us and their local utility. To help …

5 Truths About Electric Choice in Ohio


You may have heard about the Ohio Retail Electric Choice Program from conversations you’ve had with family, friends or at your neighbor’s barbecue last week. Although it’s not a topic that keeps you awake at night, most likely you are still confused. Don’t worry, you are not alone. As you are trying to make sense …

The Lancaster Fairfield County Chamber Announces New Partnership with AEP Energy


Lancaster, Ohio, June 13, 2013 – The Lancaster Fairfield County Chamber has entered into a partnership with Neace Lukens, an AssuredPartners company, and AEP Energy to help reduce members’ energy costs. This partnership &ndash a strong addition to the Chamber&rsquos suite of Member Services &ndash reflects its devotion to developing new relationships that provide further …

Who says that going green has to cost a lot of money?


I wish I could buy all or most of my produce from organic sources. However, since these fruits and vegetables are typically more expensive in the grocery stores, it seems my penny-pinching character always gets in the way. My experience is similar when trying to be eco-friendly or “green.” I am environmentally conscious and want …