
Energize with AEP Energy

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Go Green in April!


April is the month when we celebrate Earth Day and it’s the perfect opportunity to consider the actions you can take for environmentally responsible and greener living.  The United States Environmental Protection Agency offers a broad list of ways to impact the environment making cleaner choices from individuals recycling and gardening, to entire communities implementing …

Prepare Your Business for Summer

Small Business

As temperatures begin to rise, it’s a great time to begin thinking about preparing your business for summer. Before blasting your air conditioning to beat the summer heat, consider the following tips as ways to improve energy efficiency for the warmer months. Seal cracks and openings to prevent summer air from leaking in. After running …

Renewable Energy 101


You’ve probably heard a lot about “going green” and you’ve probably wondered exactly what renewable energy is, how it works, and if it really benefits you or the environment. The first blog in our renewable energy series breaks down these topics, and more, to help you better understand major factors of green energy. What is …

Take Us With You When You Move!


Spring has arrived and with it comes “moving season”.  The sun is starting to shine, outdoor projects are in full swing, and the real estate market is ripe for business.  If you happen to be relocating to a territory AEP Energy services, we can make your transition a little easier by helping to ensure your …

Renewable Energy Is A Choice!


So, you’re environmentally conscious and interested in renewable energy, but not sure if it’s available to you?  Good news!  If you live in a deregulated state, even if your local utility doesn’t offer green energy, Renewable Energy Credits, or RECs, make it possible for you to choose to enroll in a renewable energy supply.  AEP …

Factors That Affect Your Energy Rate

Small Business

Think of the stock market. There are many factors – good and bad – that impact the stock market, and it can be difficult to predict. Similarly, there are many things that affect the energy market and the rate you pay for your business’ energy, including: Supply and demand. Much like any product or service, …

Smarter Grids. Smarter Homes.


Today’s Grid Versus Tomorrow’s Smart Grid The engineering marvel that is today’s electricity grid was built in the 1890’s.  The grid, essentially, is a complex system consisting of over 9,200 electric generating units, greater than 300,000 miles of transmission lines, substations, and transformers, delivering more than 1,000,000 megawatts of electricity from power plants to homes …

Understanding the 2019 Energy Outlook

Small Business

Every year, the U.S. Energy Information Association (EIA) releases an annual Energy Outlook for the year ahead. This document provides an in-depth analysis of energy-related topics and projections of energy markets through 2050. There’s a lot of information to digest in this report, so we’ve highlighted the top five takeaways to help you understand what’s …

Who is AEP Energy?

Small Business

Who is AEP Energy In short, we are your trusted energy supplier.  AEP Energy is a certified competitive retail supplier, and a subsidiary of our parent company, American Electric Power.  Founded in 2002, AEP Energy has been helping customers save money and use energy more efficiently by doing the right thing every time, for every …