
Energize with AEP Energy

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5 Myths About Energy Suppliers, Explained

Small Business

The power to choose an energy supplier is a great opportunity for small businesses. However, understanding the differences between energy supplier, utility and everything else in between can be challenging. We’re debunking a few common myths about energy suppliers to help you understand what exactly energy suppliers, like AEP Energy, do and how you can …

Capacity Costs – What Factors Make Up Your Total Cost?

Small Business

Many of our customers experience benefits by participating in AEP Energy programs that help them manage their capacity. In recent editions of Customer Insights, we’ve explained that passing through capacity charges can be beneficial to customers looking to lower overall capacity costs by paying the true cost for capacity minus risk premiums. When considering capacity …

How is Renewable Energy Stored?


As we continually rely on clean and renewable energy sources, such as hydro, thermal, wind and solar, new challenges are presented with the impact their intermittent flow has on the grid. Storage of energy to reliably cover the times the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing requires a realistic solution. The electricity grid …

How Does Wind Power Work?


Wind is a form of solar energy which is caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s atmosphere combined with irregularities on the earth’s surface and its rotation.  When the wind blows, wind turbines work like a reverse fan.  Instead of electricity turning the blades to create wind, the wind turns the blades, spinning a …

Renewable Energy 201


As we become more reliant on clean and renewable energy sources, such as hydro, solar, thermal and wind, new challenges are presented with the impact their intermittent flow has on the grid. The complex system that makes up the electricity grid requires supply and demand to be equal, and constant adjustments to the supply are …

Tips for Renewing Your Account

Small Business

When you enrolled with AEP Energy for your business’ energy supply, you selected a term length that works for your business – often 12, 24 or 36 months. Before that contract comes to an end, it’s important to begin considering renewing your account so you can continue to receive the benefits of working with AEP …

What is Solar Energy?


As we transition from spring into summer in this era of renewable energy, the exuberant warmth of the sun brings with it many benefits, including solar energy.  Sunlight is the most abundant energy resource on earth, and it has been used by humans for thousands of years for staying warm and drying foods to preserve …

May: National Electrical Safety Month!


Each year, the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) dedicates the month of May to promoting electrical safety.  According to the ESFI, an estimated 47,000 residential fires are caused by an electrical failure or malfunction, resulting in approximately 400 deaths and 1,500 injuries totaling more than $1.4 billion in property damage. Whether you rent or own …

How Do Renewable Energy Certificates Work?


So, you’re interested in renewable energy, but unsure if it’s available to you? Good news! If you live in a deregulated state, even if your local utility doesn’t offer green energy, Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) make it possible for you to choose to enroll in a renewable energy supply. What is a REC? RECs are …