
Energize with AEP Energy

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Energy Choice – A Timeline


You’ve heard the terms “energy choice” and “deregulation”, but did you realize their long and interesting history go all the way back to the Great Depression?  Let’s take a look at the timeline of energy choice! 1929 – The Wall Street Crash During the Great Depression, at the time of the stock market crash, many …

Prepare Now to Protect Against Natural Gas Price Spikes in Winter

Small Business

In the midst of warm temperatures and sunshine, now might not seem like the right time to think about keeping your business warm during the winter. However, preparing now could help you avoid seasonal price increases on your energy bill that can come with colder temperatures. If your business is located in Ohio, you can …

Using Innovative Financing Solutions to Enable Energy Efficiency and Technology Projects

Energy Efficiency

Organizations can achieve cost savings and advance their energy sustainability objectives by utilizing the right energy efficiency and technology as project funding solutions. In the current environment, all organizations are pressed to identify and capture new cost savings opportunities, while also enhancing the sustainability of their operations. Reducing energy consumption and demand represents a logical …

Tips for Energy Efficiency at Home


It’s summertime and before you know it fall will be upon us. Whether the temperatures rise or fall, you can control your energy spend by being energy efficient at home. Here are four key tips that show you how: 1) Assess your home – find out how energy efficient your home actually is by either …

Why is Managing Your Business’ Demand Important?

Small Business

Your business requires energy to operate. The amount of energy your business requires at any point in time is known in the energy world as “demand”. In this blog, we’ll explain why demand is important and how you could save on your energy bill by managing it. Why is demand important? Demand charges have the …

Keeping Your Energy Bills Low This Summer


It may be summertime, but just because the temperature is rising doesn’t mean your energy bills have to as well. This blog outlines a few easy steps that can help you control your energy spend during the warmer months. Home energy audit – a simple first step in controlling your energy spend is to find …

FERC Approves PJM Reserve Pricing Reforms

Energy Policy

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved sweeping changes to PJM’s reserve products on May 21, 2020 in a filing called “Enhanced Price Formation in Reserve Markets of PJM Interconnection.” In this edition of Customer Insights, we’ll discuss key changes to the reserve products, plus the cost implications to reserves, energy and capacity. PJM is a dispatch operator …

What To Do Before You Move


If you’re relocating or building a new home, there are many things to take into consideration when planning your move. Aside from the heavy lifting of an actual physical move, all the tedious details can be exhausting. However, a little preparation when it comes to your new home’s energy can save you a lot of …

Tips to Get Your Business Summer-Ready

Small Business

Summer is here! Rising temperatures can sometimes mean rising energy bills. Don’t sweat – you can offset the summer heat by practicing energy efficient habits in your business. Here are a few tips to help you beat the heat: Adjust your air conditioning temperature. Air conditioning is a welcome reprieve from the summer heat, but …