Meet the AEP Energy Contact Center!

Did you know our Contact Center has a 96% customer satisfaction rating?

At AEP Energy, our goal is to do the right thing, every time, for every customer and every employee.  A great customer experience is important to us, so having employees who care about the company, the community and YOU is key.  That’s why we don’t outsource our Contact Center, and every person who answers your call is an employee who lives and works right here in your neck of the woods.

What can the Contact Center advocates help me with?

As your energy supplier, we are happy to assist you with any questions and concerns you may need to have addressed.  Although some issues are handled by the local utility and beyond the scope of assistance we can provide, our Contact Center advocates are happy to help you with these items and more:

  • Your supply agreement
    • The Contact Center advocates can answer any questions about supply charges, agreement start and end dates, terms and conditions, and if there is a cancellation fee.
  • New rates
    • Advocates can assist with new rates when it’s time to renew your agreement or if you are interested in current offers.
  • Enrollments and rejections
    • The Contact Center advocates can assist with online or telephone enrollments for new and current customers.  They can answer questions about or resubmit rejections from the utility if you’ve already attempted to enroll but had a problem, and they can enroll qualified customers into AEP Energy’s budget billing, if desired.

What CAN’T we do?

Because there are some issues that are the responsibility of the utility, AEP Energy, as a supplier, is unable to field those questions or problems.  For questions about the following topics, you should contact your local utility:

  • Power outages and power line maintenance and repair
    • The local utility maintains power lines and handles outages, and they employ the technicians who turn on or off your supply or repair power lines.  Therefore, please report all outages and requests for repair to the utility.
  • Utility budget billing and charges
    • Our advocates don’t have the ability to answer questions about utility charges or utility budget billing programs.
  • PIPP questions
    • If you are interested in or are on a Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP), those questions must be directed to the local utility.
  • Inactive supply
    • Because the utility delivers the energy supply to your home or business, if it is inactive, the Contact Center advocates will not have access to the reason for it.

How can you reach us?

  • Phone
    • We want to make sure you get the assistance you need when you need it and there are several ways you can reach us with your energy supply questions. If you have questions about your account or have general service needs, you can call our Contact Center advocates at 866-258-3782 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST.
    • If you want to learn more about our products or wish to sign up for energy supply, Contact Center advocates are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST at 855-300-7192.
  • Online
    • For your convenience, Contact Center advocates are available to chat with you Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST.
  • Email
    • A Contact Center advocate will respond to your email within one to two business days.  Simply complete a contact form for assistance.

Although the Contact Center does not handle the following types of communication, customers can reach AEP Energy at, via social media on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as send correspondence to our fax at 1-866-996-3782. 

AEP Energy does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, suitability, completeness, freedom from error, or value of any information herein. The information presented is provided “as is”, “as available”, and for informational purposes only, speaks only to events or circumstances on or before the date it is presented, and should not be construed as advice, a recommendation, or a guarantee of future results. AEP Energy disclaims any and all liabilities and warranties related hereto, including any obligation to update or correct the information herein. Summaries and website links included herein (collectively, “Links”) are not under AEP Energy’s control and are provided for reference only and not for commercial purposes. AEP Energy does not endorse or approve of the Links or related information and does not provide any warranty of any kind or nature related thereto.

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