You probably already realize that being energy efficient can help you save money on your electric bill. But did you know that using energy efficient and connected-home products can also reduce some of your other expenses, too? That’s right! There are a variety of items designed specifically for efficient use in your home or business. We can help explain how these products work so you can identify what would be beneficial for your needs.
Energy Efficient Product Categories Explained
Air Purifiers – The average portable air purifier, operating continuously, uses approximately 550 kWh of electricity per year. Energy efficient models save consumers about 225 kWh of electricity per year and about $30 annually.
Clothes Washers and Dryers – Energy efficient washers use 25% less energy and approximately 33% less water than their less efficient counterparts. Similarly, dryers use approximately 20% less electricity and incorporate using less heat with sensors to avoid over drying which saves both energy and wear and tear on clothing. The reduced heat also aids in reducing the work of your home cooling system in periods of warm weather.
Dehumidifiers – Energy efficient humidifiers remove the same amount of water from the air while using 30% less energy. According to ENERGY STAR®, the amount of energy saved could power an energy efficient refrigerator for 4 months!
Dishwashers – A standard sized energy efficient dishwasher costs about $35 a year to run and saves an average of 3,870 gallons of water over the course of a normal lifespan.
An old refrigerator could be costing you about $125 per year. Instead, with a new energy efficient model, you could save around $300 over the next 5 years. Check out ENERGY STAR’s Flip Your Fridge calculator to find out how much you could save. If you choose to recycle your old refrigerator, you can get recycling rebates for it here.
Audio/Video – Energy efficient audio/video equipment can be up to 70% more efficient than conventional models, and according to the Consumer Electronics Association, the average home owns 24 consumer electronics products which make up about 12% of household energy use.
Digital Media Player – In 2018, 107 million households in the United States had streaming devices, or Digital Media Players (DMPs). An energy efficient model uses approximately 45% less energy than its conventional counterpart. Many consumers utilize gaming consoles for streaming. However, gaming devices use 15% more energy, so let the DMP or even smart TV handle the streaming for optimum energy savings!
Set-top boxes/Satellites – Set-top or satellite receiving boxes of the energy efficient variety use 25% less energy than traditional models. If all set-top boxes in the United States were energy efficient, consumer energy cost savings would reach $580 million each year, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the equivalency of those from about 790,000 gasoline powered cars.
Smart Power Strips – In comparison with “regular” power strips, these versions have outlets controlled by programmable timers so the devices plugged into them can be scheduled to turn off or on at specific times during the day or night. Many have occupancy settings which allow them to turn off or on based upon motion sensors that respond to your physical presence.
Tablets – For browsing the internet or streaming content, tablets are the most energy efficient type of device. Approximately 70% of consumers watch streamed content according to the Consumer Electronics Association. Energy efficient tablets use 10 times less energy to stream than a game console and 7 times less than a television.
Televisions – On average, energy efficient televisions are 25% more efficient, with the capability of saving energy in all modes including sleep, idle, and on.
Geothermal Heat Pumps – The most efficient and comfortable of heating and cooling technologies available, Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHPs) use the earth’s natural heat to heat and cool homes and frequently water.
Room Air Conditioners – Energy efficient window unit air conditioners can cost as little as $75 a year to run. Because of their quality insulation, they save energy by improving the seal between the unit and window opening.
Smart Thermostats – These Wi-Fi enabled devices can be controlled from your phone and typically learn your temperature preferences to establish a schedule which automatically adjusts to energy-saving temperatures when you are asleep or away.
Smart Ventilation – Smart vents connect to the internet and each other to adjust airflow to over-conditioned rooms and redirect the airflow to rooms that need it most. The system can be controlled wirelessly with an app.
Ceiling Fans – Energy efficient ceiling fans with lighting units are on average 40% more energy efficient than traditional combination units because of their improved motors and blade designs.
Decorative Light Strings – ENERGY STAR certified decorative light strings are more durable than other light strings and use 75% less energy.
Light Bulbs/Light Fixtures – Energy efficient light bulbs last 15 times longer and use anywhere from 70-90% less energy than incandescent bulbs. One bulb will also save approximately $55 on the average electric bill over the span of its lifetime.
Computers/Monitors – Energy efficient computers use 25% less energy while monitors are 15% more efficient than standard models.
Imaging Equipment – Traditional copiers, printers, and scanners use 30% more energy than their energy efficient counterparts. If all the imaging equipment sold in the US was energy efficient, the savings would be nearly $775 million each year and would prevent more than 12 billion pounds of annual greenhouse gas emissions.
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment – Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers can be installed in indoor and outdoor settings. Energy efficient models use an average of 40% less energy.
Pool Pumps – If you have a pool, the pump can be your second largest energy spend. Energy efficient models can save as much as $445 per year and use up to 65% less energy.
Heat Pump Water Heaters – For the average household of 4 residents, an energy efficient heat pump water heater can save approximately $350 annually in electric bills and save up to $3750 over the life of the heater.
Solar Water Heaters – Water heaters powered by solar energy can cut your water heating bill in half each year. Some models are designed with a back up electric or gas water heater for complete coverage.
Whole Home Tank-less Gas Water Heaters – Tank-less water heaters not only take up minimal space, and provide non-stop hot water, but they have a 20-year life expectancy, which is much longer than that of bulky heating tanks. An energy efficient model can save a family of 4 up to $1800 over the span of its lifetime.
Kitchen Spigot Aerators – Water-saving spigot aerators restrict the flow of water to minimize the amount used. The estimated water savings of an aerator with a maximum flow of 1.5 gallons per minute is 1916 gallons per year, which equates to a savings of $61 per year on your water bill.
Shower-heads – New technology in water-saving shower heads provides extra savings while waiting for the water to heat up by restricting the flow to a trickle once the water reaches the desired temperature. Thus allowing the warm water to get to you quickly, but saving the warm until you are ready for it.
Smart Sprinklers — Smart sprinklers can be controlled from your smart device and customized to combine your local forecasts, soil and plant types, sun exposure and more into a watering schedule that saves you water and money.
Where can I find energy efficient and connected-home products?
ENERGY STAR® is a government supported program which provides credible, unbiased information for consumers and businesses on energy efficient products, homes, buildings and plants, so they can make well-informed decisions. All their certified products can be easily identified by the ENERGY STAR emblem and are guaranteed to save money without sacrificing features or functionality.
AEP Energy Reward Store is our one-stop online marketplace filled with a variety of energy-saving and connected-home products available exclusively for our valued customers. It is a simple and convenient way for you to shop for items to make your home more energy efficient while saving you time and money.
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AEP Energy does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, suitability, completeness, freedom from error, or value of any information herein. The information presented is provided “as is”, “as available”, and for informational purposes only, speaks only to events or circumstances on or before the date it is presented, and should not be construed as advice, a recommendation, or a guarantee of future results. AEP Energy disclaims any and all liabilities and warranties related hereto, including any obligation to update or correct the information herein. Summaries and website links included herein (collectively, “Links”) are not under AEP Energy’s control and are provided for reference only and not for commercial purposes. AEP Energy does not endorse or approve of the Links or related information and does not provide any warranty of any kind or nature related thereto.
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Brandi Nye, Managing Director of Business Solutions
Brandi is an expert in her field with professional experience in the sustainability industry. Not only does Brandi have solid base knowledge, but she continues to grow her acumen through various learning and development experiences. Brandi is a creative and thoughtful utility professional with expertise in regulatory and utility operations.