Energy Efficiency for Back to School

It’s back to school season again, which may indicate you see an increase in device use. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t control your energy spend. There are a number of ways and devices that enable you to monitor your energy spend and help make your home more energy efficient. The beginning of the school year is a great time to get started.

Home Energy Monitors

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to monitor your energy use, set energy budgets and view your energy costs in real time? Energy monitors connect to your electricity meter and allow you to do just that. Many have the ability to recognize the energy usage of individual appliances and can create customized energy efficiency plans.

Smart Home Sensors

Smart home sensors help you monitor the hidden parts of your home such as water usage, smoke detection and air quality. These sensors help to keep you safe by connecting to different systems in your home, ensuring that ventilation and water pipes are working properly and not costing you extra money.

Energy Efficiency Products

There are a variety of energy efficient products which help to control your energy spend. When you replace inefficient devices with energy efficient ones, such as LED lightbulbs, reduced flow showerheads, appliances, advanced power strips and connected home systems, they perform the same job but use significantly less energy, which often means less cost. Check out AEP Energy Reward StoreSM , our one-stop online marketplace to find the newest energy-efficient products for your home.

Smart Thermostats

You can take control of your heating and cooling energy usage with a smart thermostat. These devices can be accessed from your smart phone or tablet and can be programed to control the temperature when you’re gone or asleep to decrease energy usage, and then return it to “normal” when it’s time for  you to return or wake up. Most smart thermostats have scheduling temperature cycles and behavioral learning help keep your home comfortable without you being required to constantly change it.

Central Hubs

It’s important to keep your connected home smart products communicating with each other. Smart hubs and speakers can act as a link for all of your devices, giving you control over your home with the ease of voice command.

Solar Powered Homes and Products

Solar energy and solar powered products allow you to benefit from the sun’s abundant rays and potentially use less energy from the grid. From powering your home to using the many innovative devices available, solar power can help you control your energy spend. If you’re considering going solar, AEP Energy Solar Marketplace is a free, easy to use shopping service that can help you decide if solar makes sense for your home.

You can find more information on AEP Energy’s commitment to renewable energy here.

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