
Energize with AEP Energy

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Be Prepared for a Power Outage


Power outages can occur at any time of year and often happen as a result of spring storms. Follow these before, during and after the outage tips so you can be prepared and safe if you find yourself unexpectedly in the dark. Before Make a list of important contacts so you can check on loved …

More Trees, Please!


April is a great month to commit to supporting a cleaner future and reducing your carbon footprint. That’s why AEP Energy is providing renewable energy options to make it easy for our customers to go green. In honor of Earth Month and Arbor Day, we’re also helping the environment by planting trees in partnership with …

Understanding the Impact of Being Energy Efficient


Energy efficiency uses technology to reduce the amount of energy needed for many things such as lighting, heating and cooling. Reduced energy use, in return, lowers the cost of energy bills and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollution and waste. Why it is important to be energy efficient Controlling your energy spend through energy efficient …

Simple Ways to Celebrate Earth Day


What started out as a 1960’s “teach-in” style protest where thousands of students and residents around the world sat down in the streets on April 22, 1970, Earth Day has transitioned into a global celebration focused on public awareness of cleaner and more environmentally responsible living. There are several simple ways our actions and choices …

Assessing Your Home Energy Usage


It’s February and as we head into the new year, now is a great time to assess your energy usage. Identifying and addressing areas of energy inefficiency in your home can help you control your energy spend and save money! Measuring your carbon footprint A good first step in assessing your energy usage is measuring …

How We Serve Our Customers and Our Communities


At AEP Energy, we strive to do the right thing every time for our customers, each other and our future. Being transparent, innovative and ethical are all important avenues towards reaching such a lofty goal. In this blog, we’ll explain what is important to us as a company, and what makes us stand out in …

Our Commitment to the Environment and You


At AEP Energy, we are committed to the environment and our communities. Our mission, “Together, with our customers, we are redefining the future of energy and developing innovative solutions that power communities and improve lives,” and our vision, “Powering a new and brighter future for our customers and communities,” simply stated show that we’re serious …

Stay Safe This Winter


At AEP Energy, safety is one of our core values, and Zero Harm a company-wide goal. That belief extends to our customers and our communities. So, as the temperatures continue to drop, and winter storms may be headed your way, we understand that staying safe and warm can be challenging. It’s important to be prepared …

You Can Go Green All Year Long


Winter is upon us and though the weather is turning cold, you can still go green and be environmentally friendly in all seasons. One of the most obvious ways to minimize your carbon footprint is to enroll in a renewable energy plan. However, there are many other things you can do to protect the environment …