
Energize with AEP Energy

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Holiday Lighting Safety and Efficiency


The holiday season is the most wonderful time of year to decorate your house with holiday lights. This year we’re encouraging you to be safe and energy-efficient with all indoor and outdoor decorations. In order to be as energy efficient as possible, LED holiday lights are the best option. They’re also the most cost-effective way …

Credit Card Safety and Sticking to a Budget While Shopping


With the holiday season right around the corner and Black Friday just a couple weeks away, we’re offering tips to stay on budget and keep your credit card information safe. Shop Safely Online shopping has become increasingly popular in the last couple of years, which could give hackers a better chance of stealing your credit …

Energy Efficiency in your Home


Improving energy efficiency in your home could not only save you money, but also can help the environment and create healthy living habits for your family. The best way to ensure your home is staying energy efficient is to do your research before executing any home improvement changes. Luckily, there are many resources, both in …

All You Need to Know About PEV's


What is a Plug-In Electric Vehicle? A Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) is a motor vehicle that can be recharged from an external source of electricity, and the electricity stored in the rechargeable battery packs drive or contributes to drive the vehicle. Buying a PEV Before buying a PEV you should consider your daily miles driven …

Zero Emissions Day


September 21st is Zero Emissions Day (ZeDay). ZeDay was created to “give the planet one day off a year.” The ZeDay movement is extremely important when it comes to raising awareness for the enormous amount of fossil fuels our planet uses on a day-to-day basis. This specific day was chosen because the day and nights …

Hidden Energy Usage of Household Appliances


Have you ever considered the amount of energy  your appliances may be consuming while not in use? According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in the average American home, roughly 40 devices and appliances are always drawing power, even if they are considered to be “off.” These products eventually add up and could be one reason …

Summer Energy Saving Tips


We all know it can seem difficult to save energy in our homes during the summer months because the long, hot days mean our air conditioners are running longer and sometimes harder, racking up the energy bills. No need to worry! We’ve researched the top ways to optimize energy savings for your home. Utilize your …

Get to Know Field Sales


As an energy supplier, we find there is some confusion regarding suppliers and utilities. To help eliminate some of this confusion, we employ a field sales team that goes door to door, educating customers about energy choice. Our field sales advisors are educated by energy experts prior to knocking on your door. When they arrive …

Get to Know AEP Energy


We want to make energy simple. To help with that we’ve created the series, Get to Know AEP Energy. In this series, we will introduce you to different parts of our business to educate you and keep you informed. In this edition of Get to Know AEP Energy, we talk with Frank Willson, Vice President, …