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Responsible ESG Reporting Standards – When Caveat Emptor Doesn’t Cut It


In the alphabet soup of common business parlance, the letters ESG – standing for environmental, social and governance – are certainly not new, but they increasingly get to rub elbows with the likes of EBIT and ROI. Aimed at providing a measure of a company’s long-term sustainability, an ESG score is compiled from metrics relating …

What to Know About Renewable Energy Certificates

Renewable Energy

It’s getting a lot more expensive to buy the rights to claim renewable energy – in some cases, up to ten times what it cost a year ago! Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) have long been the easiest and cheapest way for an organization to fulfill a renewable energy commitment, but RECs are no longer the …

An Integrated Approach to Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

The interest and demand for renewable energy shows no sign of slowing. Indeed, the growth in demand for renewables only seems to be getting stronger. More and more organizations have sustainability goals that include renewable energy and/or carbon reduction. The focus on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) plans is being driven by all sides – …

Energy Resiliency: An Integral Part of Your Business Operations


As extreme weather events and grid outages continue to increase in frequency, it is becoming clear that industry stakeholders must take more control of their electric load to create the business continuity that we have grown to expect in a modern society. One of the most prevalent topics in the energy market today is resiliency …

Capacity Optimization in PJM

Demand Management

PJM’s Reliability Pricing Model (RPM) is designed to enable PJM to obtain sufficient resources to reliably meet the needs of electric consumers within their footprint. Savvy energy professionals can optimize outcomes in the RPM capacity market to earn incremental revenue or realize savings. This article provides insights on extracting optimal value from PJM’s RPM for …

Why Should Organizations Establish an Energy Efficiency Program Management Framework?

Energy Efficiency

Improved energy efficiency is the ‘holy grail’ of effective energy sustainability. Efficiency serves two very important goals: Reduced carbon footprint through reduced consumption Long-term cost structure reduction Organizations such as American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) estimate an untapped energy savings potential of as much as 30% of usage. Although very few organizations …

The Future of Transmission Costs and How it Impacts Your Organization


Previous issues of Customer Insights provided a transmission service overview, explaining how transmission is regionally administered and affects customer bills, as well as tips on transmission service cost management. In this issue of Customer Insights, we will dive a little deeper into what factors drive transmission cost. How transmission costs are billed Most energy buyers …

2021 Policy Landscape: Thoughts on Potential Changes, Trends and Impacts

Energy Policy

With the swearing in of a new federal administration and the change in the congressional make up, our thoughts naturally turn to what that might mean as far as new rules, initiatives and regulations that might affect us here in the energy space (and in particular how these things might impact our customers). In this …

2021 Energy Market Reset


After a year of unprecedented events, the start of 2021 gives us a chance to check in on trends in the energy markets. Last year saw significant shifts in load, dips and spikes in natural gas prices, all-time low spot prices in the PJM power market, and an accelerating shift in the electricity generation mix. …