
Energize with AEP Energy

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The Future of Energy Supply: What to Expect in 2025


We’re taking a closer look at what 2025 holds for businesses that rely on energy suppliers like AEP Energy. The energy landscape is evolving rapidly, and understanding these changes can help you make informed decisions about your energy needs. Let’s dive in. Renewable Energy on the Rise First off, renewable energy is continuing its upward …

PJM Capacity Auction Secures Resources Amid Tightening Supply and Demand


3 min read At the end of July, PJM Interconnection successfully conducted its capacity auction for the 2025/2026 Delivery Year, ensuring sufficient resources to meet the Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) reliability requirements. This year’s auction saw significantly higher prices across the region, driven by a tighter supply/demand balance due to generator retirements, increased electricity demand, …

5 Key Steps When Building Your Electric School Bus Fleet


From an initial pilot program to a complete fleet conversion, following these best practices will ensure a smooth ride on your sustainability journey. (3-minute read) Building an electric school bus fleet involves several critical steps to ensure efficiency, safety, and environmental impact. AEP Energy recently brought together school administrators and transportation directors for thought provoking …

Decarbonization, Your Business, and the Roadmap to Success


(2 minute read) Stakeholder demands for sustainability and decarbonization are driving the need for companies to meet emission reduction targets. Are you challenged by how to successfully meet your goals, while also balancing cost and reliability? Building a decarbonization roadmap gives you a step-by-step process to manage roadblocks and meet greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. …

Transmission costs continue to increase, year after year


(2 minute read) Transmission Rates Keep Climbing Have you noticed the transmission rate on your energy bill increasing recently? You are not imagining things. In some areas, rates have increased over 75%! Regardless of whether transmission costs are billed by the utility or passed through to you on your retail energy supplier bill, this costly …

Best Practices in Energy Management: Four Mistakes People Make (and How to Avoid Them)

Energy Management

In this edition of Customer Insights, we’ll discuss some of the most common mistakes organizations make managing their energy spend, and how you can learn to elevate your energy management performance. Four Areas Energy Users Make Mistakes Usage and spend tracking Energy supply contact management Oversimplying Employing piecemeal approaches Usage and Spend Tracking When it …

EV Charging Stations, Your Business, and the Impacts to Utility Services


Electric Vehicles (EVs) have recently grown in popularity. What was once a nuanced to own is now becoming mainstream. The Tesla Model Y was one of the top 5, best-selling models (both cars and SUV’s) in the U.S. for the first half of 2023. While the Tesla Model 3 was the second, best-selling car, behind …

Risks and Costs to Consider with Unplanned Power Outages


Power outages may not have been something that you or your organization have thought too much about. However, recent headlines about record heat driving record power consumption in parts of the U.S. may make you start to think about outages a little bit more. Even this May during a U.S. Senate hearing, Federal Energy Regulatory …