Beat the Heat: 7 Steps to Savings on Your Summer Electric Bill

As temperatures rise this summer, air conditioners run on high and your electric bills go up. Consider these steps below to save money on your business’ energy bill.

  1. Eliminate Standby Power: Unplug electronic devices (such as computers, coffee makers, and chargers) when they’re not in use. These gadgets and appliances continue to draw power even when turned off, accounting for up to 20% of your electric bill. If they aren’t in use, there is no harm in unplugging them for the night to save money for your business.
  2. Get a Programmable Thermostat: Program your thermostat based on your workday. Keep it cool while employees are working then adjust the temperature when there is no activity. You can save up to 20% on heating and cooling bills this way. Consider using a thermostat that you can control remotely with your cellphone.
  1. Choose Energy-Efficient Office Equipment: Before buying or leasing office electronics, check if they are energy efficient, which can save you money in the long run. Replacing old appliances with energy-efficient kitchen appliances and work gadgets will save money in the long run.
  1. Use Ceiling Fans Efficiently: Ceiling fans allow you to raise the thermostat about four degrees (in rooms where they’re installed) while still feeling comfortable. Set ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise in the summer to blow air downward.
  2. Lower the Temperature on Your Water Heater: Reduce the water heater’s temperature setting to save energy. Unless your business relies on water heavily (automotive, farms, textiles, etc.) most buildings don’t need water hotter than 120°F (49°C).
  1. Get an Energy Audit: Consider getting an energy audit for your business. A professional will inspect your location to check for air leaks, insulation issues, or opportunities to install energy-efficient lighting.
  1. Reduce Peak Demand: Peak demand is when energy usage is highest (typically 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Stagger work hours, run heavy equipment during off-peak hours, and conserve energy throughout the day to reduce demand.

Remember, small changes can add significant savings to your summer electric bills! Even with reducing your peak demand, businesses can save up to $3 for every $1 spent. If you prefer a more active role in your business’ energy management, our Fixed + Advantage Plan could be a good fit for your business. This plan gives you more control over your bill and rewards you for reducing your energy usage during periods of peak demand on the energy grid. Contact AEP Energy to discover saving options for your business.

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