
Energize with AEP Energy

Green Tips for Eco-Friendly Moving


Did you know an average of 40 million Americans move each year? That adds up to a lot of spent energy, money and packing materials. We have some tips on how you can stay green, even when you move. Allow yourself plenty of time to pack Moving requires a lot of packing supplies and sometimes …

What is Electrification?


You’ve probably heard the term “electrification”. But what does it really mean? Electrification is the process of using electricity to provide services that were previously met by other energy sources, such as fossil fuels. It’s also a way to decarbonize energy consumption in transportation, buildings and industry. Some common examples are electric vehicles and HVAC systems such …

Be Prepared for a Power Outage


Power outages can occur at any time of year and often happen as a result of spring storms. Follow these before, during and after the outage tips so you can be prepared and safe if you find yourself unexpectedly in the dark. Before Make a list of important contacts so you can check on loved …

Renewable Natural Gas and Hydrogen: A Check-In for Curious Customers


The race is on to decarbonize the economy. As energy advisors, we work daily with organizations looking to become more energy efficient and integrate renewable energy into their operations. Use less and produce what you do use from a renewable source – these are the two primary avenues to decarbonize electricity. Not all energy consumed …

More Trees, Please!


April is a great month to commit to supporting a cleaner future and reducing your carbon footprint. That’s why AEP Energy is providing renewable energy options to make it easy for our customers to go green. In honor of Earth Month and Arbor Day, we’re also helping the environment by planting trees in partnership with …

Part 3: Today’s Drivers and Challenges of Electrification


Earlier in this series we talked about the impact that carbon reduction goals have on organizations, specifically the reporting of the reductions and how to develop effective plans to achieve those goals. In this edition of Customer Insights, we’ll provide an overview into one of the options to reduce your organization’s carbon footprint, electrification. What …

Understanding the Impact of Being Energy Efficient


Energy efficiency uses technology to reduce the amount of energy needed for many things such as lighting, heating and cooling. Reduced energy use, in return, lowers the cost of energy bills and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollution and waste. Why it is important to be energy efficient Controlling your energy spend through energy efficient …

Simple Ways to Celebrate Earth Day


What started out as a 1960’s “teach-in” style protest where thousands of students and residents around the world sat down in the streets on April 22, 1970, Earth Day has transitioned into a global celebration focused on public awareness of cleaner and more environmentally responsible living. There are several simple ways our actions and choices …

Part 2: Strategic Roadmapping for your Decarbonization Goals


Climate change is no longer a platform in a political debate, it is now the central concern driving corporate environmental sustainability strategy and is directly influencing consumer purchasing behaviors. Global energy production and consumption are at the center of the fight against negative impacts of climate change, bringing net-zero carbon emissions commitments front and center. …