
Energize with AEP Energy

Summer Energy Savings


As the seasons change, so can your utility bills. Chances are you’ll be using more energy to keep your home cool this summer. Air conditioners, window units, and fans can keep you cool, but how can you keep your utility bills from heating up? Take advantage of your blinds: Lower your blinds and pull your …

AEP Ohio and First Energy Seek PUCO Approval on Revised Power Purchase Agreements


On April 27th, after Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) unanimously rejected Public Utility Commission Ohio’s (PUCO’s) March 31, 2016 approvals of AEP and First Energy’s Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) both utilities filed modified proposals. FERC rejected the PPAs on anti-competitive affiliate contracting waiver grounds under the Edgar/Allegheny standards.  The PPA contracts would have allowed the unregulated …

Supreme Court unanimously sides with Talen in electric generation case


On April 19, 2016 the Supreme Court unanimously upheld the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) authority by finding the Maryland regulators overstepped their authority when they approved a contract that included financial subsidies to encourage construction of a new power plant in their state. The lower courts had sided with rival power suppliers who said …

PUCO Approves AEP Ohio and First Energy PPA Stipulations


On March 31, 2016 the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) separately approved AEP Ohio and First Energy’s Purchase Power Agreements (PPAs) (14-1693-EL-RDR and 14-1297-EL-SSO) allowing the two utilities to enter into an eight-year power purchase agreement (ending May 31, 2024) to support their select utility affiliate generation units.  The products procured through the PPAs …

Make Every Day Earth Day


Earth Day comes once a year, but you can make every day Earth Day when you make going green part of your daily routine. Community Service: Get involved in the community! Clean up a local stream or park to help keep your community and the environment clean and beautiful. You can also get involved with …

7 Spring Cleaning and Maintenance Tips


The weather is breaking and warmer days are approaching. You may be anxious to get outdoors and get your hands dirty or remove the winter blues from your home. Here are 7 ways to help clean up and maintain your living space indoors and outdoors. Outdoors: Give your lawn mower a thorough tune up. Change …

Go Green to Help Protect Energy Costs and the Environment


More and more people are going green in their everyday lives. American families are saving more than $62 billion a year just by using more energy efficient appliances and other household equipment1. With green living becoming more prevalent, it’s important to know you have an opportunity to expand your green living into your home and …

PUCO’s “fixed-means-fixed” Order


On November 18, 2015, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio issued its Finding and Order in Case No. 14-568-EL-COI, which held that Competitive Retail Electric Service (CRES) providers cannot include pass-through clauses in contracts labeled as “fixed-rate.” This case was triggered by FirstEnergy Solutions’ attempt in 2015 to pass through polar vortex charges pursuant to …

Maryland Commission Strengthens Consumer Protection Rules


On February 10, 2016, the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) approved final retail market consumer protection rules (Docket RM54) for competitive electric and gas suppliers. These rules are expected to be published on March 4, 2016 and will become effective ten days later. The new rules implemented include operational changes, as well as many additional …