
Energize with AEP Energy

Spring Maintenance Checklist for Homeowners


Spring is a season of change and transitions. Flowers begin to bloom, and the sun starts to come out a little more, insects begin to buzz and temperatures begin to rise. Take advantage of the moderate temperatures to get a head start on a spring maintenance routine to ready your home for the warm-weather months …

Best Energy Saving Laundry Practices


Did you know that washer and dryers are among the costliest appliances to operate in the average home? A standard washing machine uses 19 or more gallons of water per load. Since most people wash several loads of laundry per week, here are some best practices to help you reduce your energy use and save …

Wellness: Tips to boost your energy


As we start off a new year, many of us resolve to improve our health. If you find yourself feeling sluggish, tired, and wondering why you have low energy, it is worth looking at your lifestyle to see what changes you can make. Stay hydrated, controlling stress, and indulging in self-care are just a few …

Is Your Home Prepped for Weather Emergencies?


It is important to be prepared for any emergencies – especially weather emergencies. Whether you live where tornados, hurricanes, thunderstorms, flooding, snowstorms, or fires are prone to happen, it is crucial to be prepared. Every year the U.S. faces severe weather, some of these weather events occur more frequently depending on the location. The damage …

2022 Energy Overview: What’s Changed and What’s Ahead


Some may refer to the year 2022 as the “year of tumult” for energy markets. With unprecedented high natural gas pricing and volatility, including a run-up not seen since 2007-2008, the natural gas market is finally retreating from a 14-year high of approximately $10/MMBtu, currently at around $5/MMBtu (See Exhibit A). Similarly, U.S. power forward …